For meeting link, please email sepac@doversherborn.org.
Thank you for taking the time to provide support to each other and to strategize about the future of our SEPAC community. Our December meeting was extremely productive! Here are some quick and important takeaways: We will be holding elections … Continue reading
We had hoped to facilitate a hybrid in-person/virtual meeting in December, but due to the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases, have decided to host the meeting online. Please email sepac@doversherborn.org to ensure you are on the SEPAC distribution list to … Continue reading
For meeting link, please email sepac@doversherborn.org.
Executive Function:Supporting our Students’ Skill Building from Childhood Through AdolescencePresented by Sophie Bellenis, OTD, OTR/LFriday, May 14th at 10:00 a.m.Please email sepac@doversherborn.org for Zoom info. In this presentation, Dr. Sophie Bellenis will explain executive function as it relates to success … Continue reading
Please email sepac@doversherborn.org for Zoom info. … Continue reading
Our February meeting is right around the corner! It is our hope that the content will provide helpful strategies as we all continue to balance the realities of a pandemic with the educational and developmental needs of our students. Please feel free … Continue reading
Thanks to Kate McCarthy, Dover-Sherborn Director of Student Services, for her presentation regarding basic rights under state and federal special education and disability law. … Continue reading
Thank you to the incredible Elise Wulff, who gave a compelling presentation on Executive Functioning. … Continue reading
Elise Wulff from MGH Aspire will be joining us on December 10th, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. to discuss practical strategies to support Executive Functioning in remote and hybrid learning, both household and individual, to help make the best of a challenging … Continue reading
The Dover-Sherborn SEPAC meetings will be remote for the time being. Because of this, please make sure to e-mail us to opt-in to messages that will provide regular updates, including login information for our remote meetings. Meetings will occur: Friday, … Continue reading