Free Webinar: Student-Driven Secondary Transition

Presented by Amanda Green & Martha Dangle from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
April 13, 2016

Research has shown that adults with disabilities are more likely to be successful if they have learned to have a voice in their own future planning. Between ages 14 and 22, students with IEPs can play a key role in their own secondary transition planning. This presentation will offer an overview of the secondary transition process, including the importance of student vision and student self-determination, laws and regulations, the use of the Transition Planning Form (TPF) and IEP, and whole school/community approaches. Special emphasis will be placed on the essential role of families in assisting young people to take a leadership role in transition planning.

Amanda Green is the Secondary Transition Coordinator in the Office of Special Education Planning & Policy Development at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Previously she served as an Information Specialist and Coordinator of the Massachusetts Association of Special Education Parent Advisory Councils (MassPAC) at the Federation for Children with Special Needs. She is the mother of three sons, one of whom is 25 years old, has intellectual disabilities, and lives his own life in New Haven, Connecticut.

Martha Daigle is the Family Engagement Coordinator in the Special Education Planning and Policy office at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Martha was a founder and Co-Executive Director of an adult service agency that provides supports for adults in community based programs.

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